Monday, April 30, 2007

Johnny and dylan

johnny and dylan_72

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Wednesday, April 25, 2007

next couple of days

I'll be gone the next few days, i am working at the MS Challenge Walk - 50 miles over 3 Days... catch ya later in the week. if oyu want to check it out go here... National Ms Society

Minus the Bear - Memphis and 53rd

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Monday, April 23, 2007

Keeping your head above water


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Friday, April 20, 2007

A Poets Life for Free

Over the next several weeks you'll be able to find A poets Life - Tim Armstrong's solo cd for free if your lucky....

From Epitaph:
"Over the next six weeks, leading up to the street date, we'll be posting the final eight tracks and videos off of Tim's solo project, A Poet's Life for free! But to make things a little interesting, we're not going to tell you where. Sneaky...I know, you're going to have to use your brain and work together as a team to find these killer tracks. Happy hunting."

Tim Armstrong(Rancid)- Wake Up

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Beatles - Girl

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Thursday, April 19, 2007

Spanish Castle

new piece, just finished. It is the first of a series called "icons" -
set so far will include:

Iggy Pop
Johnny Cash/Bob Dylan
John Lennon

if there are others you think i should add let me know.

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Wednesday, April 18, 2007

New NIN cd Year Zero has Termal Content

so when the disk is in your player it changes from the top image to the bottom one, to binary.

0110 010 1011 110
00011 101 00011
00101 0111001 00110110
1011 010 010
010 11 011 0
0 0 01 0 1 1 1 00 110
1 1100 1100 1 01 01
11 0 1
0 0
which when converted leads to ,and adds to more to the ever growing story of the Year Zero. To best catch up i suggest here

NiN - My Violent Heart

NiN - Zero Sum

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Monday, April 16, 2007

33 Dead @ Virginia tech Campus

Shooting @ VT campus leaves 33 dead. 31(including the gunman) died at Norris Hall, The Department of Engineering Science and Mechanics. Two died at West Ambler Johnston Hall. 29 people are being treated at area hospitals for related injuries.

Statement by President Steger | Monday, 4:30 p.m. (VT president)

Additional info from the campus

The Washington Post is reporting that the students were notified by e-mail about the gunman. it can be viewed here.

As your looking back on the things the terrible things that happened today, take a second and block out some of the crap that is already appearing on the net as well as TV. take a deep breath and repeat after me...
  • Gun laws do not cause people to go on shooting sprees
  • video games do not cause people to go on shooting sprees
  • this is not a black ops mission to secure gun control
  • this is not because of large ammo clips, if you want to shoot someone you will reload.
  • No the death of 31 students is not more important that 129 civilians that died in Iraq today, its not any less important either, don't judge the worth of a life.
  • It has nothing to do with SNL
  • and it has nothing to do with A Virginia Tech official in 2006 praised the defeat of a proposal to allow students with state-issued concealed handgun permits to carry their handguns on college campuses in Virginia
Don't be part of someones agenda, try taking a step back and thinking for yourself for just a minute. My deepest condolences to the friends and families of the student who have lost their lives today.

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Sunday, April 15, 2007
Cammilla d'Errico

Miho Hatori (ex.Cibo Mato)- Barracuda

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Will Ferrell- the landlord

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Friday, April 13, 2007

now complete with non-scratch velcro

Gallery of the absurd
love this place- they have some of the funniest stuff I've seen in a while.

as for the multiple child carrier - there is rumor of a deluxe model - that also has a place to insert the flag of the child's home country so you can remember where they came from

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Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Mona Ray

Mona Ray is a five piece rockn'roll band from Charlotte, North Carolina. Comprised of Alex Johns and Justin Huey (thejukeboxhero), Ben Carraux (thesurelytemples), Emily Moore and Timothy Sassanian, Mona Ray comes from a variety of musical backgrounds and styles, and strives to fuse these into beautiful, vocally driven music. Sometimes jazzy and melodic, and sometimes just straight up rockn'roll.

They Call This Sincerity, their debut EP is out. Go get it so you can spend the rest of your day listening to You're My (Billy)Idol over and over again

myspace (go here and tell them you love them) (go here and download "The Getaway")
then go here (myspace) and download Miracle Gro - Emily's new song

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Inverted pictures

Tetris is not dead

Tuesday, April 10, 2007


piece I just finished yesterday - "easter"

Johnny Cash - Gods gonna cut you down

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What you should be listening to - Amy Miles

photo by Matt Levine

Why you should care: she sounds like Liz Phair, not the nicey nice new and improved Liz Phair.... oh no, no no no no no, the Fuck and Run Liz Phair. Dirty and Gritty and Sexy and Great. Check out her new album Nobel Hatch

video notes Directed by David Wain, you may know him from "Stella"
and yes that is Amy Poehler in the video

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Monday, April 09, 2007


New movie with Seth Rogan from 40 year old virgin and undeclared

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Paper Rock Scissors

Paper Robot´s Paper Robots!

theres just something great about these, maybe its the idea that I can have my very own paper army of darkness action figures. Or it could be that I can celebrate the transformers movie in pure geek stardom.

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Smashing Pumpkins

So is it really reuniting the band if all your doing is gathering up the member(s) that can still stand you.

So are they gonna sound like this?
Smashing pumpkins - Cherry

or are they gonna sound like Zwan

Is this the new band photo. It has been widely rumored that Billy was recording the majority of the material himself anyway... so why the big show.... why not just go NIN style with it..... Billy Corgan is the Smashing Pumpkins.

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Outcast - Bombs over Bagdad remix
Monday, April 02, 2007

Blood Booze Oil and Ink

Corporate sponsorship

the ring of fire

Much needed renovations have finally begun in a ribbon cutting ceremony the likes of which can hardly be imagined

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