Shooting @ VT campus leaves 33 dead. 31(including the gunman) died at Norris Hall, The Department of Engineering Science and Mechanics. Two died at West Ambler Johnston Hall. 29 people are being treated at area hospitals for related injuries.
Statement by President Steger | Monday, 4:30 p.m. (VT president)
Additional info from the campus
The Washington Post is reporting that the students were notified by e-mail about the gunman. it can be viewed here.
As your looking back on the things the terrible things that happened today, take a second and block out some of the crap that is already appearing on the net as well as TV. take a deep breath and repeat after me...
- Gun laws do not cause people to go on shooting sprees
- video games do not cause people to go on shooting sprees
- this is not a black ops mission to secure gun control
- this is not because of large ammo clips, if you want to shoot someone you will reload.
- No the death of 31 students is not more important that 129 civilians that died in Iraq today, its not any less important either, don't judge the worth of a life.
- It has nothing to do with SNL
- and it has nothing to do with A Virginia Tech official in 2006 praised the defeat of a proposal to allow students with state-issued concealed handgun permits to carry their handguns on college campuses in Virginia
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