I missed early voting, had plenty of chances to go but I never made. I will however be out bright and early in the morning. In the rain, standing, waiting, as long as it takes to makes sure my vote counts. You must be the change you want to see in the world. Its important and its our responsibility to make this country what it once was. I'm reminded of somethign that Kennedy once said - "Too often we enjoy the comfort of opinion without the discomfort of thought." I've been thinking quite a bit about what it would take for the US to become the promise land once again, and its not sweeping reform ( those things will come as a result), and its not fixing the economy ( although that has to be done as well), it the ability for one good person to make an difference in the world we live in. Its a simple thing, its helping out your neighbor, it's not looking at his problems and deciding its because of the color of his skin or sexual orientation. It's a smile and thoughtful concern about the well being of all. It can happen if we each hold our selves responsible to the idea of a better world, and demand it. One voice can change the face of everything. One vote can change the world.
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